Journée Science et Progrès 2022
24 Mars 2022
DEBROGLIE2023A conference to celebrate the centenary of Louis de Broglie's contributions to quantum theory. The objective of the international conference "100 years of matter waves - Louis de Broglie Conference 2023" is to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the publication of de Broglie's founding articles proposing the matter wave hypothesis, one of the starting points of modern quantum mechanics. 3 to 5 july 2023 at Sorbonne-Université Paris. |
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: FROM RESEARCH TO APPLICATIONS11 Mai 2023 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an essential technology in many applications (health, defense, energy, transport, finance, language, etc.). After having been the subject of laboratory research for a long time, these increasingly diversified applications are beginning to be widely distributed and become known to an audience beyond that of specialists in the field.
ALEGRO 2023The ALEGRO group (Advanced LinEar collider study GROup) was created to promote work and international exchanges to advance advanced acceleration techniques towards the design of future colliders. After 3 years of interruption linked to the international health crisis, a new edition is organized at DESY This edition of the Workshop will allow the international community to take stock of progress in the field in relation to the various challenges of accelerators for particle physics, and to discuss the implementation of actions linked to the proposals developed within the framework. of ESPP (European Strategy for Particle Physics) by the laser and plasma group. |
ESCAMPIG 202219-23 Jul 2022 Paris (France)
Escampig 2022 was organized jointly by University Paris-Saclay - Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas (LPGP) and Institut de Recherche de Chimie de Paris from Chimie ParisTech, l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris- ENSCP.
Journée Science et Progrès 202224 Mars 2022 At a time when France and Europe are faced, under the pressure of the climate emergency, with decisive choices in terms of energy policy, it is important to project ourselves into the post-2050 period to anticipate with researchers from expert laboratories in these areas and with the manufacturers concerned, technological breakthroughs likely to facilitate the production of carbon-free energy while improving the energy efficiency of processes. |
Journée SCIENCE et PROGRÈS de la F2S27 mai 2021inscriptions : CThis annual meeting will focus in 2021 on discoveries and advances in the field of surfaces and interfaces, concerning both the physico-chemical properties of matter, but also the cutting-edge techniques used. for their analysis. We will address the metallic behavior of hydrogen, nano-physics, quantum physics of reduced-dimensional systems, surfaces and light as well as the role of surfaces and interfaces in living things. The day will end with a presentation on the interfaces between science and technology |
LES NOUVEAUX LASERS(de microchips aux lasers extrêmes – Anniversaire des 60 ans du laser.) 7 Janvier 2020 The day will be devoted to taking stock of the innovations resulting from scientific and technical research around laser technologies and to taking stock of the prospects for industrial developments. The objective of this day is to bring together and inform people from academic and industrial circles wishing to enrich their knowledge on the state of advancement of laser technologies but also to raise awareness among as wide an audience as possible of an issue for which France has very good assets. |
ALEGRO 2018 workshopOxford, 26 - 29 mars 2018 |
Les Journées Accélérateurs de la SFPRoscoff, 3 - 6 octobre 2017 |
CIP 2017 / 21st International Colloquium on Plasma processesMIATEC 2017 / 5th Magnetron Ion processing & Arc Technologies European Conference26 - 30 juin 2017, Nice |
Advanced and Novel Accelerators for High Energy Physics Roadmap Workshop 2017CERN, 25-28 avril 2017 |
The 4th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment (IWPCT-2017) will be held at the Institut Curie in Paris on March 27–28 2017.
13ème Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et XApplications et Développements Récents11-14 octobre 2016, Chinon |
19th APiP - 19th International Conference on Atomic Processes in PlasmasParis du 4 au 6 avril 2016. read more about ( ) |
Groupe sur les nouvelles techniques d’accélération d’ICFAen savoir plus ( |
EAC 2016 - 22nd EUROPEAN AEROSOL CONFERENCEOrganized by the French Society for Aerosol Research ( ASFERA )TOURS (FRANCE) september 4-9, 2016 read more about see the flyer |
APOLLON first user meeting, 11-12/02/2016, Ecole Polytechnique (France)This meeting is the occasion to present the facility as well as the currently planned capabilities of the two experimental areas to future more about |
Magnetron, Ion processing & Arc Technologies European Conferencedecember 8-11 2015, CNAM, Paris |
La Division «Physique des Accélérateurs et Technologies Associées» de la Société Française de Physique (SFP) aims to bring together academic, scientific and industrial stakeholders from the French Physical Society working in the field of particle accelerators. [...] Roscoff 2015: les journées accélérateurs ont eu lieu du 4 au 7 octobre 2015. |
33th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter( Paris, du 31 août au 05 septembre 2014 ) |
6th International Workshop on Microplasmas(Paris, du 03 au 06 avril 2011) |
Xème Congrès de la Division Plasmas de la Société Française de Physique(Paris, du 19 au 21 mai 2008) |
16thInternational Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion(Saint-Malo, du 9 au 14 juillet 2006) |
Colloque "DELCROIX" ou Cinquante ans de Physique des Plasmas en France(Supélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, Jeudi 18 mai 2006) |
International Workshop on High Energy Electron Acceleration Using Plasmas 2005HEEAUP 2005 : 8-10 June 2005 - Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France(en collaboration avec le et le ) |