Professional training
In convention with the French Vacuum Society (SFV)
Objectives This course aims to train people who study or use plasmas, whether low-pressure, with
applications dedicated to surface treatment, deposition, or etching, in a wide variety of fields
such as mechanics, optics, decoration, and microelectronics, or whether they are highpressure, with applications in combustion triggering, the depollution of gaseous emissions
from industry and transport, or ambient air, the treatment of micro-organisms and living
matter (sterilization, decontamination), and medicine (wound treatment, coagulation...).
The course lasts three days, alternating theory and practical work. The first aim of the course
is to provide basic knowledge of plasma physics (processes of creation and loss of species
within the plasma, characteristic quantities, etc.).
About cold plasmas, the different types of plasmas and plasma reactors, as well as their fields
of application, will be reviewed. The course will also focus on high-pressure plasmas and
their applications.
Practical work will highlight various techniques for plasma diagnostic, both electrical
(Langmuir probes) and optical (emission spectroscopy), giving access to quantities whose
knowledge enables better optimization and control of plasma processes.
On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
● understand the physics of cold plasmas (key parameters, characteristic quantities, etc.),
● recognize the different types of plasmas and plasma reactors,
● master some plasma diagnostics, know when and why to use them, and analyze the results,
● be familiar with various applications of low- and high-pressure cold plasmas