Training correspondent
Training correspondent (COFO): Marc
He supervises the implementation of the PFU. He is the preferred contact for the training advisor of the various supervisory authorities. The PFU is aimed at all staff, whatever their affiliation, it involves the inventory, analysis and formalization of individual and collective training needs, around laboratory projects
The CoFo network
More than 800 people carry out this function within the CNRS laboratories, in parallel with their main function. Proposed and appointed by the unit director, the Training Correspondent (CoFo) is responsible for collecting staff training needs, writing and monitoring the training plan for his unit.
Training is organized by regional delegations for any new CoFo, but also for veterans who wish to keep up to date with the training systems at the CNRS. These training courses, highly recommended, provide knowledge of the regulatory framework linked to training, as well as an overview of the different types of existing training and the digital tools available to deploy them.
Link for CNRS agents:
Link for University Paris Saclay
CNRS training for companies